Now before I give my recap of the fishing I do have to put out a disclaimer. Although I was on the coast for around 8 days, I only managed to get about 3 quality days of fishing in. Why you ask? Well have you ever been in Panama City Beach during spring break season? Lets just say there is plenty to keep a man distracted on the beach...
But anyway, back to the fishing.
First day: The bite in the surf only seemed to be in the small window right after sunset but just before dark. This is usually the case but most times there is always something going on throughout the day, but not this trip. The first day resulted in only a decent sized sand shark, which wasn't the target species but was a fun test on my pomp setup nonetheless. After the shark I packed it in and decided to give it another shot the next day.
Second day: The second day out turned out a little better, and I finally got on the pomps. I only managed to wrangle in one, but it was my personal best. It measured 22 inches long and weighed in at a hefty 5 lbs.
The rest of the trip is somewhat of a blur, but amongst the madness a few more silver sides were snatched from the surf.
Now I sit here with plenty of memories, a well stocked freezer, and what appears to be a week long hangover. Already planning the next adventure, so we'll see where I end up next.
Until then, Tight Lines!